Keeping your pet cool and well looked after in the summertime is as essential as it is any other time of the year, but there are lots of different things you need to think about.

Here are some bite-sized summer pet care tips to help you get an idea:


  • Always have plenty of fresh water available for your pets, and keep it topped up throughout the day. Don’t forget to take water with you if you are taking your dog out on a hot day.


  • Keep rabbit hutches clean. Summer brings with a host of problems for rabbits, if their hutches get in a bad condition they will quickly get parasites and infections – including dreaded maggot infestations. Eek.

Heat / Cars

  • Never keep your pets/dogs in enclosed spaces like cars. Even a few minutes can be fatal.

You can find lots more tips, including a podcast and PDF summer tips survival guide on the Blue Cross website here.

Looking for pet insurance for your pet? Click here to compare or review pet insurance companies in Ireland.

Photo by >wZa HK

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